iClicker Cloud

iClicker logoiClicker Cloud provides user-friendly technology that enables instructors and students to interact dynamically through question-and-answer polling, and accurately record results to improve learning outcomes.

iClicker Cloud 是基于云的iclick选项吗. Resources for iClicker Cloud are available from the iClicker.com website.

Some examples of using iClicker polling in the classroom include:

  • Quickly gathering student feedback about a topic discussed
  • Checking a student's understanding of a lecture material by integrating questions 在ppt中
  • Generate discussion questions to initiate collaboration and peer learning.


To use iClicker in an 菠菜网lol正规平台 class, faculty can follow these steps: 

  1. Fill out the 教员点击请求表 在校园网站上.
    • Wait for a reply from eCampus, or continue with these steps:

  2. 在icclicker创建一个帐户.com
    • The iClicker account is free for 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty

  3. Install the iClicker Cloud program onto your computer
    • 从iclick下载该程序.com
    • Macintosh or Windows versions available

  4. 创建一个iclick类
    • 创建一个iclick类 from the iClicker program on your computer or at iclicker.com

There are more details including adjusting settings and Canvas integration. eCampus can assist with your installation and use of iClicker!

教员点击请求表: Please complete the request form if you are interested in using iClicker in your course.



点击器可访问性信息: Information on how clicker remotes meet accessibility standards.

Instructor Clicker Resource Guide [pdf]: A pedagogical guide to effectively use clickers in the classroom.


To use iClicker in an 菠菜网lol正规平台 class, students basically need to complete two steps: 

  1. 在iClicker创建一个帐户.com
    • The iClicker account is free for 菠菜网lol正规平台 students
    • Only one account is needed for all 菠菜网lol正规平台 classes
    • Many students use iClicker - and may already have an iClicker account

  2. Add your class 转到你的iClicker账户
    • Your instructor will let you know when they have created an iClicker class, what it 命名,如何找到它.
    • Add the class to your account at iclicker.或iClicker应用程序.  

Step-by-step guide on how to create your iClicker account. 还包括信息 收购iClicker手机应用. 

iClicker Add Your Course Setup Guide [pdf]
Step-by-step guide for both browsers and mobile applications on how to add a course 转到你的iClicker账户. 
