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The majority of 出国留学 & 走了 opportunities are credit-bearing programs where students can earn 菠菜网lol正规平台 credit towards their degree. 请 see details below regarding academic policies for semester programs and programs during the summer and winter sessions.

Semester 项目

Credit and Courses

参加上海外国语大学合作大学海外学习项目(均为长期) 课程)保证获得“居民学分”的所有课程 partner universities. This means that units taken on 菠菜网lol正规平台 programs will count towards overall graduation unit 需求. Course equivalencies for major, minor, or General 教育要求由相应部门的顾问确定和批准. 被上海州立大学录取的学生将会得到关于如何获得他们的学位的详细建议 classes approved. All coursework taken abroad on these programs will be posted on 学生的官方记录/成绩单,不被视为“转学分”.” 


在国外学习的所有课程都将计入学生的GPA. 的菠菜网lol正规平台 留学办公室不执行成绩转换或成绩曲线 for classes taken at partner universities; grade conversions are performed by the Office of the Registrar according to standards set by that office. If you would like 在合作大学上一门课是为了通过或不及格,而不是分数,这是合适的 paperwork must be completed before going abroad. It is too late to apply for a class to be counted as pass/fail after the class has begun.


一些合作大学允许学生提前注册并确认课程 before arrival. Others have students register upon arrival or during the first few weeks of class. 参与者在跟随时应尽可能保持耐心和灵活 the host institutions’ procedures. Students should have alternate choices for courses, in case some classes are not offered. Students should not be registered in courses 除非他们在国外学习期间选修了上海外国语大学的在线课程 to classes at their host university. Students are limited to taking a single online course 在菠菜网lol正规平台 while abroad on their program. 

Academic Approval Form (AAF)

被国外暑期学校(SSA)接受暑期课程的学生 菠菜网lol正规平台 Exchange, ISEP或CSU IP中的学期课程需要完成AAF Docusign form prior to leaving for their abroad program. In some rare situations, 学生可以在国外完成他们的AAF,特别是如果他们注册 in a new course that was not originally on their AAF. 请 click here for the instructions and procedures 让你的国外课程获得预先批准,以完成通用电气、主修、副修或选修课程 需求.


为了有资格参加一个学期或一年的课程,学生必须满足以下条件 要求:

  1. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 at the time of application*
  2. 在项目开始时没有学术或纪律留校察看**

Some programs have additional 需求. These may include a higher GPA for more 竞争激烈的大学,或某些语言或课程的先决条件,特别是 fields of study. 一定要检查每个项目列出的个别要求 before applying.

*If your GPA is under 2.5,请 contact a 出国留学 Coordinator to discuss your particular situation. 

**如果您目前正在接受学术或纪律处分,您仍然有资格 可以申请,但试用期必须在你的课程开始前结束.

夏天 & Winter 项目 

Credit and Courses

参加教师主导项目的参与者将获得菠菜网lol正规平台的学分,这些学分将计入 overall graduation unit 需求. Courses will appear on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 transcript similar 因为这些课程是由菠菜网lol正规平台教师讲授的.


对于教师主导的课程,学生将收到一封电子邮件,通知他们何时完成 course registration is open. Students will have a specific window of time, from the 通知日期到规定的截止日期,在线注册他们的计划课程 through their My菠菜网lol正规平台 account.



  1. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 at the time of application
  2. 在项目开始时没有学术或纪律留校察看*

一些教师主导的项目(FLPs)和海外暑期学校项目(SSAs)将有 specific prerequisites or 需求. For example, programs offering 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies 领域R, S和V的课程将要求申请人完成所有课程 申请提交时的课程先决条件. These can include:

  1. Completion of core General Education (GE) 需求
  2. Upper Division Standing

有些项目可能还需要完成其他特定的先决条件课程. 在申请之前,一定要检查每个项目列出的个人要求.

请注意,所有参与者必须按顺序参加所有列出的课程 to be eligible to participate in the program. Students are not permitted to repeat any courses they have already taken and passed 在菠菜网lol正规平台. If you have already taken the program's course(s), you will not be eligible for the program. 

*如果你目前正在接受学术或纪律处分,你仍然有资格 可以申请,但试用期必须在你的课程开始前结束.

Transfer Students from Community Colleges

被上海外国语大学录取的社区学院学生可以转学到上海外国语大学 并在第一学期就直接参加菠菜网lol正规平台的海外学习或旅行项目 在菠菜网lol正规平台. 转学生可以在入学前申请留学项目 但该项目的录取取决于该校的录取情况. 社区大学的课程可以用来满足项目的先决条件要求.

Open University 

未被录取的菠菜网lol正规平台学生可以申请教师主导的项目和暑期学校 海外项目,并在接受后注册为开放大学(OU)学生. 你的学生 will go through the same application process.

对于有先决条件的高级通识教育课程,开放大学 students must show proof of having passed equivalent prerequisites. Open University 一旦被录取,学生还需要填写其他文件:

非入学、开放大学和J-1签证学生在上海外国语大学学习课程 for Non-GE Credit Form

在你被录取之前不要填写上面的表格. 通过完成 在此表格中,您同意,如果您被上海外国语大学录取,您可能不会使用此表格 course for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies credit.

Disability Accommodations

Students requesting 住宿 在他们的海外学习计划中,由于残疾相关的限制是必需的 to register with the Accessible Education Center (AEC) at least 60 days before the program start date.  However, we strongly encourage registering 作为申请项目的一部分,以便告知学生选择的项目. 如果你需要 住宿,请 register online. 如果您已经在AEC注册或一旦注册,请记住 提交任何 住宿 向学院领导申请你的留学项目,和你申请的方式一样 for any course on campus based on the Accessible Education Center's policies.

最后一次更新 Apr 30, 2024