
How Do I Find Out What 课程 Will Be Offered?

For a complete list of classes, by semester, 参观 司法常务官办公室 and click on the "Schedule of 类" link.


Students are able to register for classes using the My菠菜网lol正规平台 系统. Students will need their student identification number and their My菠菜网lol正规平台 password 登录并注册课程. If you experience any technical problems with the My菠菜网lol正规平台 registration 系统, please contact the 大学服务台. For a list of enrollment appointments and other valuable registration information, 参观 司法常务官办公室.


In recent semesters, some graduate classes have filled up, and we have had to turn 学生走了. (Graduate classes are limited to fifteen students.)虽然这可能 not happen, play it safe and register for the graduate classes you want to take as 尽快. In addition, your early registration helps us to plan our program and sometimes to take contingency measures. 本科高年级班可以 也能迅速填满. (Remember that you may take 8 of your 30 units toward the M.A. 大专以上学历.)


There is no hard and fast answer to this question, as people's circumstances and work 能力不同. As a general rule, you should not attempt more than two classes in a semester, especially 一个s at the graduate level, if you have significant employment 或者家庭责任. (The vast majority of our graduate students take 一个 or 每学期两节课.) If you are able to be a full-time graduate student, three 上课是一个沉重的负担. Keep in mind, that reading, writing, and other requirements will be much more demanding than most undergraduate classes you have taken. 它是 a good idea to ease into the program 在你的第一学期 with a lighter load and then to reevaluate how many courses you can handle based on that experience.


你 should make a decision reasonably early on as to what will be your primary and secondary fields, but you do not have to make this decision over the summer or even 在你的第一学期. Obviously, if it is unlikely that you will ever want to make U.S. history either your primary or secondary field, it would be a waste of your time 去上那个领域的课程. The fields you select as your primary and secondary 一个s will be (or should be) mainly a function of your interest in them.

Conditionally classified graduate students who are required to complete courses in addition to the core 30 unit program should complete their “conditional” classes as early in their program as the schedule permits. 而大多数“有条件”分类 students do not have to complete their additional requisite courses before taking other graduate courses, you are strongly advised to do so, especially History 102 and History 200, which are meant to be foundation courses for your further study. In any case, remember that you cannot become a classified graduate student, file for candidacy, or complete the degree until you have completed your “conditional” courses.

它是 a good idea to take at least 一个 graduate class 在你的第一学期. 你 need to become familiar immediately with the greater demands that graduate classes 放在你身上. 你 should also keep in mind that some graduate classes are offered only once every two years, for various reasons. General advice on taking classes follows:

  • If you see a graduate class that strongly attracts your interest, take it, as it might 几年之内都没有机会了.

  • Everything else being equal, chose a colloquium over a seminar. 一个讨论会会 give you a broader introduction to graduate work by forcing you to read intensively 在一个学科领域. Most research seminars will plunge you into a research project for the better part of the semester, and it might be better not to do that in your 第一学期.

  • If you feel your writing, research, and historiographical skills are rusty or in need of sharpening, and you want to learn more about graduate studies and the history academic 专业,选修历史200.

  • 如果你的主要浓度是U.S. history, you should enroll in History 210a, 210b, or 210c in order to prepare for the final comprehensive examination. (这是 a three semester colloquia sequence on important issues and books in American history. 210a covers the period up to 1780; 210b, 1780–1900; and 210c the twentieth century.) 它是 mandatory that you take all three classes in this series. 没关系 你取的顺序是什么.

  • 你 may have a special field of interest or already know of a professor with whom you would like to work, but find that a professor is not teaching a graduate class 下学期在那个领域. Consider taking an undergraduate class with him or her 如果可能的话.