Change of Major: Chemistry

The Chemistry Change of Major materials and application process is for current students declared a major in the Chemistry Department for students declared a major outside the Chemistry Department interested in pursuing a change of major to any major within the Chemistry Department.

Students are encouraged to attend a Change of Major Informational Session 和/或请求a Change of Major Informational Packet each academic year due to potential changes to department-specific application requirements 之间的 application periods.

Learn more about majors in the Chemistry Department:

  • 英航、化学
  • BS、化学
  • BS、化学, Biochemistry

Chemistry Change of Major Informational Packet

    • 新! Request a Spring 2024 Informational Packet to view current information related to Change of Major criteria, deadlines, and the process of applying to a major in Chemistry
    • Complete the Change of Major Planning Worksheet (found in the Informational Packet) to gain access to the Change of 主要建议
    • Requesters will receive a Chemistry Change of Major Informational Packet in 3-5 business 天

Chemistry Virtual Change of Major Informational Sessions

Change of 主要建议

Change of 主要建议 is available to students who have completed the Change of Major Planning Worksheet found in the Informational Packet.

审查 April Drop-In Hours for Change of 主要建议 in DH 212.

Drop-In Hours return to Monday - Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm May 06, 2024. Change of 主要建议 will not be available during CoS-SSC Office Closures.

Students may also request Virtual Change of 主要建议 by contacting


To apply to a major within the Chemistry Department, evaluate your eligibility based on current admission criteria. When ready to apply, request a Change of Major Application. Requesting an application will be available Spring 2024.

Request a Change of Major Application and submit a 理学院 Change of Major Application by the application deadline: May 1st (for Fall 2024 admittance consideration).

Requesting a Change of Major Application does not automatically result in admittance 致少校.