Grow Your Well-Being

For Spartans looking for opportunities to further engage in their well-being, the Student Wellness Center provides interactive educational programming and health promotion 倡议. Our 健康休闲 is a popular place for students to de-stress, connect with other Spartans, and utilize services like the 避孕套合作社 for free safer sex 供应. 

Students are encouraged to connect on a more personal level by meeting 1:1 with a Health Educator to discuss health topics that are important to them. Some of the topics that students discuss with our professional Health Educators include alcohol and other drug use, health sexuality, mental health, and nutrition. We also offer a variety of online tools and resources that are always available on our website. 此外,访问 prevention services like the 避孕套合作社 for free safer sex 供应 or the Narcan Distribution Program. All of these services are free to students. 

Some of our most popular programs are led by students for students. Peer Health Educators are trained student volunteers who work with our staff to lead a variety of interactive workshops and events. Cooking Healthy, Eating Well (or CHEW) offers classes that teach students how to cook delicious, healthy, and inexpensive meals. 

Learn about the ways you can engage in the different Dimensions of Wellness at 菠菜网lol正规平台 通过访问 菠菜网lol正规平台 Treat Yourself Well
