
Why are non-residents at California's educational institutions charged higher tuition 比住校学生?

California institutions of higher education are funded by the State of California. Since non-resident students (and their families) generally have not contributed to the source of this funding of public education in California, they are required to 支付的费用更接近于他们教育的实际成本.



1月. 25th
9月. 20th


我怎样才有资格获得加州居民身份? 如何评估留在CA的意图?

To be eligible for resident 状态 for tuition purposes, you must, for at least 一个 year prior to the residence determination date, maintain physical presence in California 并表明你想在加州安家的意图. 意图证据 to remain in California indefinitely can vary based on individual circumstance, but should include items listed below as well as the absence of residential ties to your 前状态. Keep in mind that physical presence in California for the specific intention of academic study does not constitute intent to make California your permanent home.

If you are not a 公民 of the United States, you must also maintain, for 一个 year prior to the residence determination date, an immigration 状态 that allows you to 在加州定居.


  • 加州驾照
  • 在加州银行的活跃的、连续的储蓄和/或支票账户
  • 加州身份证
  • Ownership of residential property or continuous occupancy or leasing of an apartment 你的私人物品放在哪里
  • 加州选民登记
  • Maintaining a permanent military address and home of record in California
  • 加州汽车登记
  • Financial independence from parents for the current year and for three years prior 到当年
  • 加州总收入的所得税义务
  • 具有合法能力的移民身份,可以在加州定居
*Any act considered inconsistent with becoming a California resident (such as being registered and/or voting, securing or maintaining a driver’s license or automobile registration in another state or filing taxes as a resident in another state) will 导致非居民的决定.
Information regarding financial independence is not required from applicants for admission, 但需要从当前学生寻求居留重新分类.


No. California State University policy states that the residence of applicants who 19岁以下是基于父母还是监护人的居住地. 如果你愿意 be under age 19 at the time of the residence determination date, be sure to indicate the identity and residence of your parent or guardian on the CSU admission application 还有住院医师调查问卷.

Does living in California with a relative other than parents have any impact on residency 状态?

No. 不会有任何影响. 如果你未满19岁,你的居住地是 根据你父母的信息. 如果你已经年满19岁,那就申请居留权 is determined only by what steps you take to establish and maintain your residency.

If a student is a dependent of a California State University alumnus, would it have 对他或她的学费分类有任何影响?



A non 公民 with a visa that prohibits establishing a domicile in California during any portion of the durational period may not be granted resident 状态 (example: F1状态). Other non 公民s may qualify for resident 状态 by meeting all requirements 对于之前概述的住院医师.

To establish residency a student must have the 状态 of 一个 condition below:

  • U.S. 公民
  • 永久居民
  • 难民
  • 难民
  • 临时保护身份申请人
  • 临时保护状态
  • 美国国民†
† US Nationals are residents of: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana 群岛和美属维尔京群岛



For new students - when is a student’s residency 状态 determined at 菠菜网lol正规平台?

的 招生 Office/Graduate Admission at 菠菜网lol正规平台 will determine each student’s residency 状态 when the completed application for admission is received and processed. 的 decision is based on the information contained in the application for admission, transcripts, 以及其他入学所需的文件. 在此确定居住状态 time remains in effect until the student submits the “Residence Questionnaire”. 使用 this form only if it is your first semester and you feel that you were incorrectly 归类为非居民. 提交居住调查问卷的时间 application for admission will assist the office with making a residency decision.   未能提交表格可能会导致错误的决定.

What if I have been attending as a student and now I want to change my residency 状态? 我该填什么表格?

A non-resident student who feels he or she has satisfied the residency requirements 可填写“居住问卷”. 如果你有,请提交此表格 paid non-resident fees as a matriculated student for at least 一个 semester. 居住分类的改变从来都不是自动的. 它总是学生的 发起请愿的责任. Be sure to include copies of documents that support your claim for residency. 

What steps do I need to take if I am a current 菠菜网lol正规平台 student and I wish to apply for 住宅重新分类?

  1. Submit the Residence Questionnaire form with supporting documents by the following 优先处理期限:
  1. 如果你在截止日期后提交申请表,
    • 处理您的请求可能需要更多的时间
    • You will be responsible for all non-resident tuition until reclassification is evaluated 和批准.  
    • If your request is approved, we will refund paid fees according to university policy.  
    • We only review requests for residence reclassification for a previous semester on 具体情况具体分析.
  2. Include copies of supporting documents that are listed in the section “How do I qualify 申请加州居民身份? 如何评估留在CA的意图?”
  3. 在下列情况下,我们可能会退回你的申请:
    • 你的申请不完整. 
    • 我们需要进一步的澄清.
    • We will specify the missing information and areas that need clarification.



  1. 读指令:
  2. 下载,完整填写,并签署 居住问卷[pdf].
  3. 上传已签署的居住调查问卷和任何证明文件. 我们不接受纸质复印件. 


  1. 菠菜网lol正规平台 normally sends a decision letter regarding Residence Questionnaires about 2-3 在我们收到你的表格几周后.
  2. Expect a 4-6 week turnaround during peak periods times such as the beginning of the semester, end of the calendar year, and the two week period before a tuition payment 到期日期.


的 Office of 招生 or 研究生招生 Offices makes the decision about your 申请入学时的住院医师. 看看你的待办事项清单 if you need to submit any other residency related information to complete your application. 联系 招生 or 研究生招生 Office if you have further questions regarding your residency and if it is your first 在上海外国语大学的学期.



1. 读 这些指示[pdf] 在提出上诉之前.

2. 提交你的 上诉.