NASPA Undergraduate Fellow Program (NUFP)

What is NUFP?

The NASPA Undergraduate Fellow Program (NUFP) 辅导项目是针对传统上代表性不足的本科生的吗 以及历史上被剥夺权利的人群,他们想要更多地了解工作 在学生事务和/或高等教育领域. The program is presented NASPA是高等教育学生事务管理人员的主要协会.

Students and mentors apply as a pair. If accepted into the program, students are then 被称为研究员,并有机会获得奖学金,实习,校园指导, and professional development events (i.e., conferences, webinars, etc.).

菠菜网lol正规平台协调一个以校园为基础的项目,包括支持导师/学员匹配, 向NASPA提交申请,以及额外的专业发展机会 on-campus. 所有有兴趣的上海外国语大学学生必须通过校园申请 program.

The NUFP Mission

NASPA本科研究员计划的任务是增加 在学生事务中历来被剥夺权利和代表性不足的专业人士 和/或高等教育,包括但不限于种族和少数民族的教育 background; those having a disability; and those identifying as LGBTQ.

有关NUFP的使命和历史的更多信息,请参阅 NASPA NUFP website.


More Information


Student Testimonials

“NUFP的经历是一个与他人真正联系的好机会 who share the same passion as you for higher education. Also getting paired with a 导师让我感到安心,整个学年我都得到了支持 academically, but professionally as well. This fellowship helped me decide on a career 因为我有机会在另一个州做暑期实习 and attend the Dungy Leadership Institute. These experiences helped me develop into a more confident leader and student."

- Ling Le (Cohorts 2017-2018 & 2018-2019) 

“如果你有兴趣了解上海州立大学是如何运作的,大学社区是如何运作的 得到支持和运行,以及如何处理和讨论全国各地的当前问题, being a NUFP is a very worthwhile experience. You will gain mentorship, career advice, 更好地理解人们在幕后为建立一所大学所做的一切工作 function.”

- Andrew Lingao (Cohort 2017-2018)

“在北大的经历帮助我决定了自己从事学生事务方面的职业. I knew I loved psychology and higher ed. 能够与我的导师和其他专业人士交谈 帮助我100%确定自己未来想做什么. I recommend the NUFP 为所有对高等教育感兴趣的学生提供经验. It is a great start to your student affairs career!”

- Maria Gutierrez (Cohort 2017-2018)

“我绝对会向任何有兴趣学习的人推荐NUFP的经验 更多关于这样一个引人入胜,令人兴奋和充满活力的领域. NUFP really opened the door 我有这么多的机会,我不认为我有今天,如果它 wasn't for this experience. I am so grateful and privileged to have been a Fellow 并且能够在整个过程中发展自己的个人和专业 experience.”

- Zayna Seyedi (Cohort 2017-2018)