Student Affairs Staff Profiles

Meet 菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Affairs Professionals

Learn about the various opportunities that a career in Student Affairs offers from the very professionals who serve in the field. Read about their background and feel free to contact them to discuss their positions and what fulfills them from working in Student Affairs.

Anita Manuel

Associate Director of Career Education, Career Center

"I didn't choose Student Affairs, it chose me! It was not until my first job in higher education that I learned there was a whole field and community of professionals dedicated to supporting student success." 

Henderson Hill III

Director, Student Involvement

"What I like most about working in Student Affairs is the continuous problem solving to make sure that ALL students have a positive and impactful co-curricular experience... followed very closely by the opportunity to provide servant leadership for the Student Involvement team."  

Carole Dowell

Executive Director, Associated Students

"I feed off the energy students bring to my job, I also appreciate being able to mentor and coach students and staff through challenges and opportunities. I believe in the importance of providing students with comprehensive co-curricular opportunities to balance their academic experience."

Deanna Peck

Director, Peer Connections

"I am inspired every day when I interact with wonderful students and they share their stories and growth. Their dedication to changing the world around us gives me hope."

Emerald Green

Program Director, The Black Leadership and Opportunity Center (The BLOC)

"What I like most about working in Student Affairs is the impromptu critical dialogue and conversations about life with students that happen in the moment! Sometimes you just have to be there in those moments to build community and engage across generations with students... there is so much learning and affirmation that happens there."