保存日期:菠菜网lol正规平台调整市政厅定于6月2日4; Repopulation Reminders and the Future of Work at 菠菜网lol正规平台; Recognizing our COVID-19 Campus Heroes

Sent: June 9, 2021
From: President Mary A. Papazian


With the state’s planned reopening next week, we expect a wide variety of changes 这将在秋季影响我们的校园社区. 在我们的校园重建之前 从7月1日开始, 上海州立大学将于6月1日举行一场上海州立大学适应市政厅 6月24日星期四下午1:30开始.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Registration is required and questions can be submitted in advance. The town hall will be 记录和查阅 on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt website

The town hall will follow a similar format to previous ones, with introductory information regarding critical topics taking place before submitted questions are answered. You also will have the opportunity to ask questions during the town hall. We will do our best to answer all questions, prioritizing those that affect most, if not all, of our campus community.

With registration taking place before the June 15 reopening of California, there may be questions submitted that will be answered before the June 24 town hall. We will do our best to provide information based on our understanding of the expected changes 在公共卫生指南中.


如前所述,我们的校园人口迁移从7月1日开始. 七月将起效力 as a transition period, with UP-approved department repopulation plans going into 八月二日星期一生效. 主管们正在分发来自北方邦的信件 8月2日开始安排. 

Our repopulation in the fall will guide how we approach the future of work. We know we don’t want to go back to where we were before the pandemic, but instead want to 找出什么对上海大学最有意义. 我们需要有意识和深思熟虑 in the questions we ask as we build out an approach to what the future of work could look like for us. 

While the fall can give us a glimpse into flexibility, hybridization of services, and other elements we may have gained institutionally by working remotely, our longer term focus is on what the university will look like a year from now. We must first rebuild our community by re-establishing in person connections and then finding what 平衡对未来是最好的. 我期待着在校园里与许多人重新建立联系 of you soon.


Many in the Spartan community have not set foot on campus for more than a year. But during the pandemic, the university remained open, and some reported to work on campus 每天保持它的干净和美丽. 在下面的视频中,认识一下莱拉·加西亚和 David Johnson, two of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s COVID-19 heroes who cared for the campus during the pandemic.

This is the first in a series of videos we have planned to highlight the amazing work our Spartan community has been doing on campus throughout the pandemic.

Thank you to everyone who has kept 菠菜网lol正规平台 beautiful and safe over the last 15 months. We look forward to all being together again soon as a Spartan community. 


Dr. Mary A. Papazian