更新关于春季2022类返回 In-Person Learning



与 the spring semester in full swing, we are looking forward to many returning to 校园的时候 2月14日星期一恢复面对面学习. Being together will allow us to strengthen our community by being around each other and reconnecting with those we care about and have missed. 随着我们继续测量 what life will look like post pandemic, being back together will give us an opportunity to build those relationships and observe the operations of the campus.

We have made the decision to keep the February 14 date to return to in-person learning (with teaching modalities as posted in the class schedule) for several reasons. 与 cases trending down in Santa Clara County and the state, combined with our CSU vaccination policy requiring the booster shot for our campus community, our campus continues to remain a safe space for our students, faculty and staff. 我们理解这些担忧 and trepidation many might feel as we again start to ramp up in-person interactions, and I want to assure you the health and safety of our campus community is our top 优先级. We will continue to keep our campus mask mandate until further notice. 我们的 testing numbers on campus have been encouraging, with nearly 4,000 tests since January 18 yielding a three percent positivity rate that is well below the county’s rate, 在过去的一周里,两者都出现了下跌. 

As a reminder, testing is available for all 菠菜网lol正规平台 students, employees, volunteers and auxiliary employees at the Event Center, Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. 到下午4点.m. 在这里登记预约.

If you need to get your booster shot, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has partnered with Safeway Pharmacy to 主办一个加强注射诊所周四,2月11日. 10从8 a.m. 到2点.m. 在学生中 健康中心. The clinic is available to all students, faculty and staff and is by appointment only. 访问 mhealthsystem.com/菠菜网lol正规平台COVID 预约. 

请浏览 健康资讯网站 for updates regarding our university’s response to the pandemic. 它将是如此美妙 to see those who are on campus next week as we continue to adapt how we live, work, 在新的环境中学习. 请继续保持灵活、友善和耐心 with 一个 another, you never know what some一个 might be coping with. 

